It is the aim of Technoscan®Centre to participate in the creation of a Clean Techno-sphere. This consists of a universe of strong technologies that heeds the innermost needs of people and the sovereignty of nature.
To achieve its aim Technoscan®Centre promotes Society-wide technological awareness and wisdom.
It does so by selectively tracking #TechnologyLandmarks and combining them into an integrative framework based on a unified view of technology. This view contrasts significantly from the orthodox view using a diversified perspective emphasising separate technologies.
The unified view is based on the fact that the essence of technology is to provide functionality. In reality nine fundamental functionalities are differentiated. These are usually depicted in a functionality grid.
To help anticipate technological evolution the grid is incorporated into a framework called the #OmegaMap. The format for an #OmegaMap is depicted below and described in a book; Technology: Its Fundamental Nature.

Read more about the book here. Order here.

To illustrate #TechnologyLandmarks examples are posted on our Technology Landmarks page.
A new way of creating water reserves in arid areas could contribute to greater water availability. Artificial glaciers in high mountain areas, such as the Himalayas, are regarded as a #TechnologyLandmark for use in an #OmegaMap. The information presented here is based on an interview with engineer Sonam Wanchuck on the website Mashable, August 23, … Continue reading “ARTIFICIAL GLACIERS FOR ARID AREAS”
The rapid purification of salty or brackish water could become a most popular technology in the coming years. Rapid and inexpensive purification is regarded as a Technology Landmark for use in an Omega Map. The information presented here is based on an article “Scientists Create a Material That Makes Salty Water Safe to Drink in … Continue reading “SALTY WATER PURIFIED IN MINUTES”
Self healing glass is considered a Technology Landmark for use in an Omega Map The information contained in this post is taken from an article written by Antonio Vilas-Boas and published by the World Economic Forum cooperating with the Business Insider on 22 December 2017. The research was done at the University of Tokyo. The … Continue reading “SELF HEALING GLASS”
Regenerative battery charging is regarded as a TechnologyLandmark for use in an OmegaMap. The information presented here is based on an article; “The World’s Largest Electric Vehicle Is a Dump Truck” written by Courtney Linder and published in Popular Mechanics, August 21, 2019. The locus of innovation is a new Principle of Operation. Earlier principles … Continue reading “GIGANTIC ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGES OWN BATTERY”
Fifth generation transmission is evolving rapidly and could become the dominant technology in the next few months 5G is is regarded as a TechnologyLandmark for use in an OmegaMap. Mobile 5G is evolving rapidly as an immaterial electro-magnetic transmission system that could challenge existing materially based transmission systems. The information presented here is based on … Continue reading “FIFTH GENERATION TRANSMISSION”
Reusable launch systems are regarded as a Technology Landmark for use in an OmegaMap. They could become the standard for space flight launches or for aerial transportation. The information presented here is based on various references in Wikipedia –accessed on June 26, 2020. The locus of innovation is a new Principle of Operation.“A reusable launch … Continue reading “REUSABLE LAUNCH SYSTEMS”